The Bold Shift
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The Bold Shift
From Inner clarity to Outer transformation




The bold shift isn’t always a grand gesture. It can be a quiet inkling, a nudge, or maybe a hushed scream. In fact, the boldest shift might be recognizing and honouring that first subtle desire for change. A felt sense of “I want this to look different” or “I want to be different in this”. 

Intentional and directional shift happens when we stop looking away from the desire, and instead direct a prolonged glance toward it along with a decision to change.

Once we honour that deep desire and put our awareness and attention to it, we begin to imagine a different future. With deliberation, one step at a time, we begin to manifest that future by orienting our steps toward it. The formula is simple, but the path is unique for every single human, and we’re not meant to walk it alone.

Do you have a hushed scream asking for your attention? Do you have a sense of “there must be some other way”? Then, please click below and let’s begin an exploratory conversation. I’d be honoured to speak with you about your deepest wishes.



My name is Mahshad and I am a curious human, Integral Professional Coach™, Facilitator, and Registered Psychotherapist. 

I believe we are here to learn, evolve, expand, and be of service to the larger whole. And that when we are at our best, we are not only fulfilled, we also become better citizens of this beautiful planet.

I’m here to support my clients lead self-authored, joyful lives, orienting from their inner knowing and radiating out into the world.

Throughout our work together, we use inner clarity as a compass and create a map of transformation; a path toward what you deeply desire. Over a series of conversations, we learn about what inspires you to grow, what factors are limiting you, and what new possibilities lie ahead. You get unstuck and move toward what deeply matters. 

I work with thought leaders working diligently at their edge of growth to shift existing paradigms within themselves and their contexts. Conscious leaders and managers who see a better future for their industry, sector, or organizations. Creatives who wish to tap into their authentic voice and offer the world a new perspective to consider. I work with parents resourcing themselves so that they can resource their children as they grow.

Here are some of the life areas in which I have supported my clients so far:

  • Moving and thriving through life transitions

  • Empowering relationships with self and others

  • Career shifts toward more meaning and purpose

  • Endings and beginnings

  • Stepping into the unknown, starting over

  • Overcoming creative block

  • Reaching inner-outer cohesion

  • Finding meaning in life and vocation

  • Inner calling; showing up with integrity and grace

  • Successfully completing challenging projects

  • Meeting the demands of entrepreneurship

  • Transformation Facilitation for organizations and teams (click here)

  • Group workshops (click here)

You make the first decision; to answer the call for change, and I’ll be here to support you in seeing it through.

Join me for a discovery call today.

Learn more about my story here…

Working with Mahshad was simultaneously eye-opening and heart-warming. Her gentle shepherding through the Integral Coaching process enabled me to find talents and strengths within myself that had previously been inaccessible. With her guidance, I learned to decipher thinking patterns that were limiting me and to cultivate new pathways for creative leadership. I am truly grateful for this experience.
— Laura C. Science Writer @ Nasa ~ San Diego, California
Working with Mahshad has been a transformational experience. In the beginning, I wasn’t sure how she was going to achieve this kind of internal shift, but it really did occur that way where through our sessions subtle but profound internal beliefs systems were lovingly challenged and reframed. I began to reprogram myself through the intentional practices that we co-created.

Over the duration of the coaching program, a true integrative shift occurred for me; a powerful one pertaining to my whole self, my business, and my personal practices. I’m living more in alignment authentically and creatively, with an internal sense of freedom that didn’t feel possible prior to our work together, enabling me to lift off in the direction that I’m trying to go.
— Naomi G. Psychotherapist, integration ally ~ Canada




Individual and group coaching

Coaching programs, uniquely tailored to promote sustainable change. Custom designed for 1:1 or group coaching.


Gatherings and Workshops

Transformational conversations that matter

One-off or series of conversations on topics inspired by major life experiences.


Psychedelic Integration Coaching

Individual post journey coaching

Coaching programs that support individuals in honouring and implementing the transformative teachings of psychedelic journeys.


New Offering: Resistance & Curiosity

A practical framework for navigating an ever-changing world.

A multi-level science-based framework designed to navigate change and transitions, by embracing resistance and activating curiosity.

Working with Mahshad has been incredibly impactful for me since going through a very intense and transformative plant medicine retreat. She is one of those very unique and talented spirits that has a strong intuition and knows how to take you to those places inside yourself that hold the wisdom.

My sessions with Mahshad were always thought-provoking and she allowed me to express myself without feeling judgment or fear. Mahshad showed me the compassion I needed and I felt as though she was standing by my side as I went on this journey. She knows how to ask the right questions to get one to reflect. I’ve now come out the other side so much more connected to myself. I have now learned to hone in on listening to my intuition which always serves me well. I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to do this work with Mahshad.
— Mark R. ~ Switzerland