Mahshad offered me valuable insight and feedback at a time when I had a lot of self-doubt. She helped me get to know myself better so that I could speak with clarity and confidence. She is a competent coach and I deeply value the time we’ve spent together and the progress she helped me make in my life.
— Nicole C. Sales executive ~ Toronto, Canada

With deep skill and heart, Mahshad guided me toward what I needed to work on and how to cultivate new practices. She is an attentive, curious, and playful coach who invites input and feedback at all points. No matter what I showed up with, I left each session feeling seen, grounded, and capable.
— Samantha S. Public Service Manager ~ Nova Scotia, Canada

At a time when I was thrust into a career shift because of Covid 19, Mahshad helped me to cope with the stress of starting a new business by adopting daily strategies which aligned with both my personality and the time constraints and responsibilities that I had. Her approach set the foundation for a strong start for my business while also integrating daily habits that contribute greatly to a continued work/life balance and general well-being.
— David C. Airline Captain ~ Toronto, Canada

I was referred to Mahshad by a dear friend of mine who thought she could really help me through some challenges I was having establishing boundaries. While I was initially apprehensive to engage a coach of any kind, I quickly became a believer in her approach.

It is amazing how Mahshad was able to validate me and my feelings, yet push me outside of my comfort zone at the same time. Her technique really helped me to recognize how I could gain the perspective and strength to make the bold shift I needed to move through, and even past some connections that were not contributing to my peace & happiness, which is something I’d previously struggled to do on my own.
— C.T., Zurich, Switzerland

As creative freelancers, we often lack the guideposts and stability that come with a regular career. It’s easy to drift about and feel lost without the structure. Working with Mahshad, I have been able to find new perspectives and take my creative practice to wonderful new places where I have been able to sustain a healthy creative business.
— James B., Toronto, Canada