I arrive at this juncture in my life as an Integral Professional Coach™ and Facilitator having traveled through many different landscapes, personally and professionally. I have immigrated, have loved and lost, and learned to love again. I have not only crossed oceans and continents but also successfully transitioned through 3 different careers; design and advertising, artist representation, and psychotherapy/coaching - picking up golden nuggets of wisdom along the way. I have also never stopped my personal growth journey, being a forever student of life and embracing the full spectrum of being human, living and loving it all. I’ve lived many lives and plan to live many more, for as long as I’m here.

With me, I bring education and experience in the fields of Graphic Design, Advertising Art direction, Portfolio Consultation, Creative Talent Representation, Entrepreneurship, Psychotherapy, and Integral Professional Coaching™, along with lessons from the master teacher, Life itself.

The alchemical reaction of all these factors has contributed to an expanded capacity to hold space and guidance for what it takes to change - I arrive with deep wells of insight and high hopes for transformation.

I have experienced lasting shifts in my way of being through deep developmental coaching. I want to support others to achieve the same.

Please get in touch if you’re ready to make your bold shift. I’d be honoured to be part of your or your team’s transformation journey.


With deep skill and heart, Mahshad guided me toward what I needed to work on and how to cultivate new practices. She is an attentive, curious and playful coach who invites input and feedback at all points. No matter what I showed up with, I left each session feeling seen, grounded and capable.
— Samantha S, Public Service Manager, Halifax, Nova Scotia