The liminal edge of growth
We grow when we are ready to grow. It can’t be forced. The inclination of growth happens when we begin to outgrow our current reality or situation. When the way we relate to a life situation no longer feels firm and comfortable. It’s a sensation of feeling slightly larger than the container we’re in.
An unease sets in. Things around us as we knew them begin to disintegrate. We long for something else, somewhere else, yet we have no clear idea of how to get there.
That’s when the current way of being in life is disintegrating and new horizons of possibilities are beginning to call us forth. We can’t live with what we know and we have no idea what awaits. It’s discombobulating and disorienting. We lose our sense of cohesion.
It may look like a competent CEO who experiences intermittent bouts of anxiety, which she pushes down in order to function in her position. Parts of her feel solid, others not so much, neither here nor there, longing for something different. It can look like the wife who lives with gratitude for her good enough life, and yet parts of her feel muted, not fully alive. It can look like the person who has been trying to make a change toward a deeply desired outcome but comes to a similar edge every time as if stuck in a loop.
Liminal space is the juncture between the old and the new. It’s the transitional space ripe with the unknown, and opportunities. The disorientation is orienting us toward our growth edge, that unknown, liminal space, which is an essential part of the transition. In our coaching journey together, we pause and look into this space. We explore what’s there, honouring where we are while noticing what’s calling us forth. And we co-create paths and practices that support movement through the liminal space intentionally and consistently. Slowly transitioning toward your desired outcome. We take stock of what will serve us in our new desired way of being in the world and what no longer serves. Because when we bring those parts along, we go from power to superpower. We go from good enough to authentic. From capable to Sovereign.
If you choose to work with me, I’ll meet you at your liminal edge of growth and together we’ll co-create your path toward transformation, toward whatever you deeply desire.
With love ~ Mahshad